12 April 2009

Some Rhymes to Pass the Time

I wrote this because it's important to have a sense of humour about oneself. Ironically, it was about the same time that I realized I really want to pursue philosophy as a profession.


"Cheers!" says a man
Holding up his glass and sloshing ceremony on his friends

Why cheer?
Why have I friends? To what ends?
Why gather in dankness and drink down the time?
What is time?
As it passes, as I pass, as we pass away
As it twists and turns and flies and burns
What are we?
What am I?
What is "I"?
The I, the eye.
What is? What is Being?
Is there anything? Can nothing be?
What is "What?"


"Cheers!" says a man
And glasses clink, and we drink
And in a blink it's reasoned all away


  1. Impressed.

    much much deeper than my poems! So does that mean questions about life can be disregarded? and by doing so... well, do we end up going back to reality, and happier than ever (or on the contrary.. slightly disturbed/deranged)? Happy Easter/Philosophy thesis.

  2. You should try writing your next one in the form of a Haiku. For inspiration:

    Cat Haiku

    You never feed me.
    Perhaps I'll sleep on your face.
    That will sure show you.

    You must scratch me there!
    Yes, above my tail!
    Behold, elevator butt.

    The rule for today:
    Touch my tail, I shred your hand.
    New rule tomorrow.

    In deep sleep hear sound
    cat vomit hairball somewhere
    will find in morning.

    Grace personified.
    I leap into the window.
    I meant to do that.

    Blur of motion, then --
    silence, me, a paper bag.
    What is so funny?

    The mighty hunter
    Returns with gifts of plump birds --
    your foot just squashed one.

    You're always typing.
    Well, let's see you ignore my
    sitting on your hands.

    My small cardboard box.
    You cannot see me if I
    can just hide my head.

    Terrible battle.
    I fought for hours. Come and see!
    What's a 'term paper?'

    Small brave carnivores
    Kill pine cones and mosquitoes,
    Fear vacuum cleaner

    I want to be close
    to you. Can I fit my head
    inside your armpit?

    Wanna go outside.
    Oh, poop! Help! I got outside!
    Let me back inside!

    Oh no! Big One
    has been trapped by newspaper!
    Cat to the rescue!

    Humans are so strange.
    Mine lies still in bed, then screams;
    My claws are not that sharp.

    You're Welcome.

  3. Nico, did you really write this (i guess i underestimate the artistic talents of engineering/science students haha)? hilarious!

    and Steph: lovely (but no surprise there). i just realized today how long it has been since i last visited your blog. it is making my saturday shift at work much more bearable, THANK YOU.
